The Ice has been broken! The green flag is out, the gates have opened, and the pack is off! It’s only the first game, but if you look at last year’s stats, you’ll see a pattern. Stat’s are just that though, anything can happen! The first game is very cool though. Everyone is even at the beginning but after a long night of serious card playing, it’s a race! Some are looking good and others have a deficit to make up. Either way it’s poker with the RPC and that’s just alright in anyone’s book.
So let’s talk about the game! We only had 16 players which is an almost all-time low for the first game of the year. That’s how the cookie crumbles sometimes though. We had players who were out doing other things and couldn’t make it. Life happens. We had 2 tables going with lots of great friends so it doesn’t get any better than that. Tim was the first one out and with that goes the honor of being the first out in 2025. Sorry, Tim, you’ll have to break out the nitrous at the next game. Josh wasn’t too far behind, unfortunately. He had a straight to the queen but ol Tony had one to the king. Well you get the idea, you can see the stats above.
Let’s just get to the final table. Below you can see the Nine that made it. Everyone here was playing strong with plans to take it down. Is that a Motley Crue or what?

Wendy was the first out and then most of the other players went out in a big way until there were 4. The final four and somebody’s gonna do it. Somebody’s gonna play all night long and walk away with nothing. That’s our man Tony. Bubble breakin Tony they call him. Now we’re down to the money.

Forrest was short-stacked and claimed 3rd place.

Tom asked Veronica if she’d like to split and she flat-out said no way.

Who would blame her? She’s in it to win it just like any other RPC member. You have to hand it to her. She’s got guts. She let it all ride 4 hands in a row and accepted her fate of 2nd place.

Tom who played furious acted like a gentleman when he took the win.

We’d like to thank Doug for hosting and a big welcome back to the table. We missed you bro.

A big thanks to Scott for dealing to the end.

And to Natron for always keeping it real. Always bringing a smile to anyone.
Most of all we’d like to thank our newest members. Scott, Doug, Tony, Wendy, Natron, Bobby, Lori, Veronica, Forrest, Tom and Josh bit the bullet and signed their names. New members will always see their names in bold on the monthly score sheet. They have the power of a vote, will wear the 2025 T-Shirt and are in for the big grand prize at the end of the year and the coveted RPC Trophy.
Speaking of the cash and the trophy, we voted in a pay raise for the champ! We’re now pulling 15% each month to make up a worthy prize for the 2025 champion. So far the pot is $160. Do the math. At this rate, the 1st place purse is almost $1000. Good job members for making the club that much more exciting!
Next month we’re playing wherever Andrew decides to host us. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Until next month.
If there weren’t luck involved, I’d win every time!
Phil Hellmuth
What a great game!
Testing testing. McFly!
Reply to McFly!!!!
Yay!!!! My password got updated!!!